Day 10 : 10 August 1988, Apparjaure
This is the day when we will do nothing. A day to enjoy. We are somewhat disappointed when we wake up and we see the cloudy sky. Things change as we eat breakfast. In front of our eyes do things change dramatically, it is a fascinating performance. The clouds slowly evaporate, after a while only the mountain peaks are surrounded. These cloud remnants break apart and slowly sail away. When we take our morning bath in the lake is the sun shining. The bath is refreshing, the water is not cold at all. A fireplace show that our camping site has beeen used before us, somebody has not understood that aluminium do not burn. A bird (unknown which) is going out for fishing. We are lazy and spend all morning on a rock, admiring the lake itself and the mountains on the other side of the lake. As lunchtime approach do also small irritating flies arrive, they can even bite.

After lunch do we stroll around, visiting the steep mountain side of Adjnetjårro in the north. This results in that we find many blueberries, which we will have as dessert after the dinner. A chilly wind appear. The disturbing flies, that up to now has made us company, blow away. The flies has forced us to be tightly dressed with no openings, else would they be everywhere. It is a wonderful day. In the west are the mountains low and far away, the sunset is long lasting and magnificient. Coffee and cognac makes everything complete.

At Apparjaure

Enjoying sunshine