A collection of tours made in the Sarek national park and surroundings, 1981-2007
| 1981 | 1982 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1990 | 1991 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2007 |
Day10: 28 August, Vallevare - Kvikkjokk, 10 km

Vall evare is flat, and dry. The good weather has returned, to late for us. This is the last day. In the distant north are the mountains Pårte clearly seen. Vallevare is like walking on the grass in a parc. Easy and comfortable. It takes not long before we reach Prinskullen, the system of lakes and rivers at Kvikkjokk fill the view. From here is it partly steep downhill, through a dense forest. Prinskullen is popular for excursions from Kvikkjokk, and there is a track through the forest down to the river. At noon are we at Kvikkjokk, but on the wrong side of the river. The river is impossible to ford, the rapids are strong. We take some time to look at them. There are also some remnants of houses from the old days. Now we have to get somebody to fetch us with the boat. We have made an agreement with the man that maintain the boat traffic, that he should look for us in the afternoon today. We shout and wave, make a homemade flag in a tree, a red towel. No reaction, perhaps is he eating lunch. We do the same, on the shore of the river. After an hour is a small boat approaching, we have been seen. A shower, a good dinner in the restaurant at the mountain station. Back to normal life. In the evening is a slide show about the surroundings. Why do we never see all those animals? One need time, be quite, search and wait.

Towards Vallevagge

Towards Kvikkjokk